Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Movies, Movies & More Movies

The seventeenth blog challenge topic is...

My Favorite Movie And What It Means To Me...

Oh my God...this is sooooo hard!  I have so many favorites and I don't think I can definitively say one of them is my favorite-favorite.  The only way I can get this post accomplished, that I see, is breaking it down by genre...some of which might be non-traditional.

P.S. this is a long one

Drama:  The Prestige (2006)

Great cast but anything with David Bowie playing Tesla & I'm 100% on board

Musical:  Phantom of the Opera (2004) 

Who would have thought Gerard Butler could sing like that?!?

War:  The Hurt Locker (2008)

Don't normally like war movies, but this one made an impression

Romantic Comedy:  Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion (1997)

I don't care what I'm doing, if this comes on...I will sit down and watch it.

Comedy:  Blades of Glory (2007)

Cult Classic:  Heathers (1988)

I don't know how many times I've quoted this movie

Horror:  Stephen King's It (1986)

This movie traumatized me so bad, to this day, I have never seen the second half.  AND...I heard they are doing a remake because scarring a whole new generation is probably for the best.

Fantasy:  Labyrinth (1986) 

This one came close to being my all-time favorite

I'm pretty sure this movie birthed my Bowie love

And I'm pretty sure all of us wanted to be Jennifer Connelly

Action Adventure:  National Treasure (2004)

Say what you want about Nicolas Cage, but I love this movie

Comic Book Based:  The Avengers (2012)

I don't think I've ever been excited about a movie as much as I was for this one
Had the best villain too...

Disney:  Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Still able to sing along with all the songs

Action Comedy:  The Rundown (2003)

Seann William Scott is always hilarious, The Rock got his ass kicked by a tiny man, and if that wasn't enough...Christopher motherfucking Walken

Thriller:  Fracture (2007)

Anthony Hopkins is King of the Psychological Thriller

Series:  Harry Potter (2001-2011)

Potterhead 4 Life

Romance:  Pride & Prejudice (2005)

*Movie In Gifs*

First up we meet Elizabeth Bennet...she has a bunch of sisters and a marriage obsessed mother
Next we meet Darcy...total dick straight out the gate

Makin' the first move

Da Fuck?!?
Looking for redemption

...swing and a miss

*Then a bunch of stuff happens which leads to this*

*Then a bunch more stuff happens, and thanks to that dumb bitch Kitty...this happens*


*The End*

This happens more than I'd care to admit

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