Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Compliments Make Me Uncomfortable

The eighth blog challenge topic is...

Something I Get Compliments About...

I seriously had to send out a S.O.S. text for this one.  I had a complete block and couldn't think of anything.  I get compliments on my hair from time to time, but actually fixing it when I normally just wear it in a bun is bound to garner notice...notice because it doesn't look like shit for once.

I asked 2 of my dearest girlfriends and these were their replies:

I don't put up with shit from people
I always speak the truth
I stand up for what I believe in
My hair
My big heart
My humor, wit & intelligence
My strength
Having a talent for baking, writing & crafts

And, in the name of science, I asked one of my best guy get a guy's perspective.  His reply left me speechless:

"Your personality is truly one of a kind, blunt but only because you care.  No other person I know will be so truthful to friends.  You also have a drive to do better, but stay grounded in everyday life.

You're amazingly gorgeous, beautiful smile.  Those eyes, those eyes can tell an entire story with one look.  I really like your hair, weird I know."

I don't think I need to expand on any of my friends' replies...I'm certain they speak for themselves and I couldn't make them any better.

I truly have the best friends any girl could ask for.

Love you guys

Monday, February 16, 2015

Win All The Challenges!

The seventh blog challenge topic is...

Something I've Been A Champion Or The Best At...

I will be the first to admit that I am a extremely competitive person.  I'm passive and laid back until a situation, any situation, arises that results in a winner being named.  Game nights, sports, academics, etc.  I've even started noticing that when my child competes, my competitive streak flares to life.

The first thing that comes to mind is something I wasn't necessarily "a champion or the best" due to the fact there wasn't a clearly defined competition issued.  Nonetheless, I'm proud to say that during my entire college career I maintained a 4.0 GPA.  I took some really difficult classes, so it was quite the undertaking to succeed at achieving that GPA semester after semester.  It was touch and go during my two semesters of physics, to be honest.  There was a lot of crying and a lot vodka, but I persevered. 


If there is one thing that I continue to "Be the Best" at, it is trivia...meaning I win more than I lose.  Trivial Pursuit is my all-time favorite game, and the app/game Trivia Crack is my current obsession.  I guess I have this uncanny ability to retain random ass facts.  It makes little sense to me that I can remember that tomatoes are members of the nightshade family, but I can't remember if I put deodorant on that morning?!

Again....basically.  I will never understand it.

I thought that as I age, my competitive streak would lessen.  I'm learning that was a delusion of a hopeful, naive mind.  I am now convinced that it is encoded in my DNA.  I'm not saying I am a bad sport when I lose, because I'm not.  Disappointed...yes.  Complete douche bag-cry  And make no mistake, I do lose occasionally.  I'm not one of those people who decline challenges unless I think I can win.  I've had some of the best/most fun experiences when I've completely tanked at activities.  As long as there have been good people & lots of laughter around, failing never bothered me much.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Movie Madness :)

The sixth blog challenge topic is...

Something That Excites Me & Fills Me With Joy...

This one is so easy.  I am so excited about summer movie season!!!
*excited fangirl squee*

Can we just skip ahead to May already?!

This is either going to be awesome or completely tank

Rebel Wilson is my hero

Didn't think I would watch another of these, but with Chris Pratt starring...should be funny

Hello Tom Hardy....

And because a movie poster is not enough....

Honorable Mention because they aren't technically summer movies:


Thursday, February 5, 2015


The fifth blog challenge topic is...

Something In My Life That Gives Me Balance...

*Sorry for the lapse in posting, I have been battling a killer sinus infection for, almost, 2 weeks.  There has been an area-wide epidemic ravaging everyone around.  My daughter had tonsillitis, people are contracting strep, and God knows what else is compromising immune systems all over town.  I am so over this cold-ass weather and the rampant sickness. Bring on the Spring allergy season!*

I have absolutely no idea what balances me out...maybe as I write, something will come to me.  I'm not into yoga or any exercise really.  I don't have weekly vent sessions dinners with my girlfriends.  I don't have a husband/boyfriend/partner to act as a soundboard, a calming agent.  Saying my daughter balances me is kind of a no-brainer....because, on many levels, she does.  I'm a mom so that's a given.  I love the fact that after a day filled with phone calls & expense reports, I get to go home and create with her...imagine with her.  It doesn't matter that I got so frustrated at work, that I was nearly brought to tears, because when I get home all that falls away & her and I are now princess unicorns chasing rainbows.

I don't really have many hobbies, which in my opinion, are one way to balance one's life.  I read.  I watch movies.  Maybe that is very telling, considering those two things are forms of escapism.  What I mean is, when people turn to fictional worlds, fictional people, its often because they want to escape.  These stories shelter us from the storm that is our daily lives;  they save us, if only for a little while.  But when we really give in, become invested, let ourselves be vulnerable, something shifts.  We feel like we know them or can relate.  Its no longer just a way to escape a shitty day, it becomes a part of us, it makes us who we are.

These characters teach us that incredible adversity can be overcome.  That our struggles are not singular or unique, we are not solitary in our suffering.  That people can in fact love each other forever.  That life can be an adventure.  That magic, through various guises, can be real.  And even if these miracles have never happened to us, we begin to go through life believing that, someday, they could.  

Getting lost in books helps me.  It calms me.  Its makes me happy & gives me an outlet.  It balances.  I don't expect people to understand the logic or understand how books accomplish that task.  With struggles at work, family dysfunction drama, and personal matters, diving into a story allows me separation that I may not manage on my own...I tend to obsess if left without a distraction.  I think we write down or create made-up stories to tell truths that we are too afraid to speak, unable to rationalize.  The same can be said about those who turn to stories for aid.

Life is gritty, dark, painful, unforgiving & unjust.  It is rife with broken people hurting others to lessen their own pain.  It is also serendipitous, inspiring, full of hope, opportunity, knowledge, & beauty.  So when my life takes a turn for the former, I reach for a novel or two.  Life truly is a balancing act and without books, I fear I would, not only be ill-equipped, but at a huge disadvantage when faced with what Life throws at me.