Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Compliments Make Me Uncomfortable

The eighth blog challenge topic is...

Something I Get Compliments About...

I seriously had to send out a S.O.S. text for this one.  I had a complete block and couldn't think of anything.  I get compliments on my hair from time to time, but actually fixing it when I normally just wear it in a bun is bound to garner notice...notice because it doesn't look like shit for once.

I asked 2 of my dearest girlfriends and these were their replies:

I don't put up with shit from people
I always speak the truth
I stand up for what I believe in
My hair
My big heart
My humor, wit & intelligence
My strength
Having a talent for baking, writing & crafts

And, in the name of science, I asked one of my best guy get a guy's perspective.  His reply left me speechless:

"Your personality is truly one of a kind, blunt but only because you care.  No other person I know will be so truthful to friends.  You also have a drive to do better, but stay grounded in everyday life.

You're amazingly gorgeous, beautiful smile.  Those eyes, those eyes can tell an entire story with one look.  I really like your hair, weird I know."

I don't think I need to expand on any of my friends' replies...I'm certain they speak for themselves and I couldn't make them any better.

I truly have the best friends any girl could ask for.

Love you guys

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