Thursday, July 2, 2015

I Miss Going To The Bathroom Alone

The twentieth blog challenge topic is...

A Truly Spiritual Moment In My Life...

I honestly don't know what happened, why the lapse in bad.

The birth of my daughter could be described as spiritual.  If you call blacking out due to blood loss after vomiting on the anesthesiologist spiritual. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

Bodily fluids aside, my kid coming into the world was profound.  I've always felt that I had been drifting along, no real purpose, no real direction.

  • Yes I was enrolled in college...spent more time tolerating classes, bored, then really engaging and being passionate about the education I was receiving.

  • Yes I had jobs...all were nothing more than paychecks, also devoid of passion.

  • Yes I had relationships...they had love, but they pale in comparison to the depth and extent of love I have for my child.

  • Yes I had/have family...I love my family, but the bond forged with my child over-shadows any I have with any other.

The birth of child, for most people, is one of the biggest life events they will ever experience.  For me, it definitely was and continues to be day after day.  I know that there is meaning to what I do everyday, a purpose to why I drag my ass out of bed each morning.  I'm thankful I have been blessed with this responsibility and no matter its weight, no matter how difficult/stressful/frustrating/liberating/joyful/exhilarating, I would not choose to live my life any other way.

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