Monday, January 12, 2015

Looking Toward the Future

The first blog challenge topic is...

Something I'm Looking Forward To This Year

Gawd...that is so broad & simplistic in nature.  Does it mean something specific, like a singular event?  Does mean something existential, like self-growth or emotional development?

Age of Ultron comes out this year and I'm totally looking forward to that badassery.

However...I think we know I love Marvel movies so that's kind of an obvious answer, therefore I will write about something else.

Well in the short best friend is driving from California to South Carolina at the end of this month.  She plans on stopping and staying one night at my house.  Even though I wish it would be a longer visit, I'm happy to see her and her family for any amount of time.  Being around her always improves my mood and well-being.  She reminds me what real, true friendship is and all others have paled in comparison.

Long term...proving myself wrong.  You read that right.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I will not follow-through with some promises I've made to myself.  I do not lack the desire to fulfill, but rather the drive.  It's crap I know, but sometimes I get in my own way.  Self-doubt trickles in.  I bargain and negotiate with myself.  Make excuses.  Procrastinate.  I think my saving grace this time is how incredibly unhappy I've become.  I've said it before, but I am being consumed by it...well, aspects of my life are being effected, not the whole thing.  I don't want to turn this into a "woe is me-emo manifesto," so I will spare you the details.  There are some big life changes I want to focus on this year and I've made the promise of working toward realizing those goals before the year's end.  I want to prove myself wrong by actually achieving a successful outcome, whatever shape it takes, instead of caving to the pressure like I've done countless times.

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