Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Peek At My Bucket List

The tenth blog challenge topic is...

Some Things On My Bucket List...

Bucket lists are interesting in the way that they are ever evolving.  They aren't set in stone and are able to progress & change as a person grows.  I've never sat down, put pen to paper, and compiled a tangible list.  Mine has always been a mental one, mostly consisting of places I want to visit.  I fear it would be too lengthy to list it in its entirety, so I will just discuss 5 or so things that top it.

Visit the Smithsonian

The opportunity to visit Washington D.C. arose when I was in high school.  I was unfortunately unable to go due to financial reasons.  I was really bummed.  I love museums.  Natural History museums being my favorite.  We all know that place is massive...its not nicknamed "The Nation's Attic" for nothing.  I would definitely want to devote more than one day to my visit.

Take a hot air balloon ride

I honestly don't know why this appeals to me...just seems like a cool thing to do.

Visit Greece

Oh my God the history!  It has always been a dream to visit Athens in particular.  I got a taste of ancient history when I visited Rome, but Greek history has always been a personal favorite.

Learn Ballroom Dancing 

I just love the idea of it...the elegance.  It reminds me of a time so very different where people, their interactions, were formal & a way.  I guess I'm in love with the idea of civility, refinement, and societal protocols.  *If that makes sense*

Move to Scotland or Ireland

I'm equally in love with the idea of living in Scotland or Ireland.  I mentioned in an earlier blog that I would leave the States if ever an opportunity came about to live in London (read here).  I think I might struggle with the sheer size of London, not being a big fan of hugely populated cities, but I would still totally move there.  There is this word, Fernweh, its German and it translates roughly to a homesickness for a place you've never been.  I feel like I have that with these two countries.  I can't quite articulate it, but I have a great desire to live there.




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