Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Great People + Me = Beautiful Life

The eleventh blog challenge topic is...

Someone Who Makes My Life Worth Living...

Easy kid.  I've talked about my daughter a lot over the course of this blog.  I honestly don't think I need to devote an entire post to reiterating all the wonderful things about her, what she means to me, and how she enriches my life.

So...instead, I thought that I would mention a few others that are special to me in their own unique ways & also make my life worth living.

1.  My Mom:  The woman almost gave birth to me in the passenger floorboard of my Grandparent's car...that alone entitles her a top place of honor.  But its more than that.  She's a survivor.  She has never lost her compassion.  She has always loved & supported me...even when I didn't make her particularly proud.  I know I made her cry, a lot.  She always put us first, and carried us longer than nine months.  I never imagined the sheer weight of being a parent, how could I?  The fear, panic, stress, sleepless nights & gray hairs.  Her indomitable spirit is truly inspiring.  So thanks Mom. Thanks for being you, guiding me, and always giving me that last piece of cake...even though you wanted it just as much as I did.

2. My best friend:  You are nuts...but I love you & will stick by you even if it means I have to help you bury a body.  There is truly nothing I wouldn't share with you due to my complete trust in your loyalty.  You've taken part in my highs and witnessed me hit rock bottom.  You never abandoned me, instead, you took my problems onto yourself so I didn't have to suffer alone.  We've raised our kids together, shared secrets & laughs, and we've always been each others cheerleaders...supporting one another with love and gentle honesty.

3.  My future husband:  We haven't met yet, or have and just don't know it.  I strive each day to better myself in order to be ready to receive your love.  Past relationships have made me weary of starting again, but with you I know it will be different.  That thought drives me and I look forward to the day our love story begins.

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