Thursday, August 22, 2013

Morning Conversations with my 4 year-old

Getting my daughter dressed in the mornings is becoming quite the battle.  She has really started asserting herself in regards to her style.  Ultimately I still have veto power, but most days I don't really care...

This happened the other morning:

My daughter: *running into the room* "I'm ready...found my shoes so I'm ready to go."

Me: *seeing her outfit* "Ummm....'Nice sock-sandal combination,' said no one ever.  Lose the socks."

My daughter: *laughing* "But it's funny."

Me:  "Yeah, it's totally hilarious you thinking I will let you out of this house wearing socks & sandals.  Socks....Off."

My daughter:  "No it's funny because Hello Kitty's face is right in the hole.  It's like my shoes are rockets and she's flying to the moon!  Oh, Oh!  Flying to the moon to get ice cream."

Me: *looking confused*

My daughter:  "You know, the shoes have lights on them....and so do rocket ships."

Me:  "Uh, yeah.  OR  it's like Hello Kitty is incarcerated.  Doin' a nickel up in Sing Sing."

My daughter:  *looking confused*

Me:  " looks like she's in jail."

My daughter:  "YES...she stole a bunch of apples because her doggie loves to eat apples before they go to the park to play with a slip & slide and then blow bubbles.  The doggie loves bubbles just like I do.  Can we get a caterpillar?"

Me:  "If I say yes to the sock-sandal combo, can we just forget everything you just said because I honestly have no clue how to respond...and no caterpillar."

And that's how my daughter ended up leaving the house in socks and sandals with my blessing.

She is convinced the lights make her run faster.

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