Friday, August 30, 2013

I Need A Minute...Fan-Girling In Progress

So if you are anything like me, you look forward to the holiday movie season every year.  I haven't really been impressed with "summer movies" this year, so I'm hoping "holiday movies" will pick up the slack.

And, if we have any chance of being friends, you are eagerly anticipating Thor 2 coming out in November just like I am.  It's ok to admit're a nerd like me :)

I can honestly say I have enjoyed *most* Marvel movies...

Iron Man(s): RDJ is hilarious.  Kills it every time.
Captain America: Chris Evans & spandex. Enough said.
The Hulk: *no comment*
Thor: Natalie Portman?  Really?
The Avengers:  Loki has made me question my morals, like as in:  "Are they even working anymore because I'm strangely attracted/sympathetic to the villain...not heroes?"

Speaking of Loki...can we just take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is Tom Hiddleston?!?!

Did you all hear about his surprise appearance at ComicCon this year and how everyone lost their damn minds when he took over the panel for Thor 2?!  

Cosplay of the Century

The fans know what's up...

Loki in Thor was totally under-appreciated, most people didn't think him a strong enough villain; Kind of forgettable even.  But, when The Avengers came out...Tom's notoriety skyrocketed and, the Loki/Hiddleston fandom was born.  

The accuracy of this meme is pretty sad, actually
Where's mother-fuckin' Samuel L. Jackson?

He is the unofficial "King of Tumblr" people!  Execs added more Loki scenes to Thor 2 which, in-turn, caused a virtual fandom riot & everyone lost their shit because they thought that it would push back the movie's release date.

Tom is not the only one....this *Holy Hotness* British invasion happening within the movie industry is getting a little out of hand.

Maybe that's why the British aren't really sore about losing the war to us anymore...
They are making up for it by stealing the hearts of America's women.

Exhibits A, B, C & D-L:

Tom Hardy
'ello poppet.

Benedict Cumberbatch
I'm pretty sure his cheekbones have their own fan following...and Twitter account.

Henry Cavill
Just gratuitous man flesh.

The Entire Male Harry Potter Cast
Making puberty their bitch since....ever.

And so on, and so on, and so on.....

I have not been immune to their accented siren song and their tea-drinking wiles.  But, Hiddleston, by far, surpasses all other Brits in winning my heart and *figuratively* destroying my ovaries.

He's a life ruiner:  

Constantly sits like a whore: 

Been known to thumb wrestle autograph seeking fans:

A guy once tweeted him asking for soup because it was cold waiting in the press line at the BAFTAs.  That bastard showed up with tomato soup for the journalist:

Guy's a gentleman who believes in chivalry & quotes Shakespeare & shit:

And, let's not forget he got this line into a PG-13 movie:

So I've come to this conclusion:

So this really isn't a blog-blog; It's more like a pseudo-blog.  

OK....It's really the shameless exhibition of a man who makes me want to write god damn sonnets & who'd I bang like a screen door during a hurricane.

So for your *my* viewing pleasure:


Even inanimate poster females are drawn like a moth to a flame.

Stupid perfect bone structure.

OH, GATES!  Silly me.  I thought you said legs...

Just a little neck porn.

What am I doing with my life...

Black & White makes everyone look good, but this is just ridiculous. 

So need to pipe the fuck down in order to give the rest of the male population a fighting chance.

Or not...

*All photos, memes & gifs are not my work*
*They were collected via Pinterest, Tumblr, or Google Images*

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