Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 17: Something I'm Proud Of

Something I'm proud of...this was not easy.  I'm pretty humble and always find myself down-playing accomplishments.  It's just my nature.  It was pretty easy to think of stuff that I'm not proud of, that's for sure.  I hate that, it should be the other way around right?! 


The truth is, I'm just really proud that I've managed to live the life I have been dealt.  It hasn't always been easy.  I've had many struggles, internal & external.  I've come up against great odds & adversaries, all of which I have overcome.  I've had disappointments & failures.  I've had pain & suffering.  I've had a lot of crap thrown at me, but I've never given up and played the victim.  I've never quit, never given up, and never refused to live or participate in life.  It's easy to quit when life doesn't go your way or the way you want it to go.  It's hard to be challenged, and it's even harder to rise up and prevail.  I guess I saw what I had, namely friends and family, and knew it was worth it to keep going when I felt beat-down.  I have been blessed in so many other areas of my life that giving up would just be ridiculous.  I knew I was not a quitter and I wanted to live a life that has real meaning & possessed contentment.  I feel I couldn't have that unless I worked for it and overcame obstacles or strife.

That's it, but I guess if you want a specific example:  I'm proud that pushed a human-being out of my vagina after being in labor for 21 hours.  Technically, I had to have some assistance because Gigantor, aka my daughter, got stuck.  That shit is no joke and I have never been more exhausted in my life...and I'm pretty sure I will never experience that level of physical fatigue again.

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