Thursday, December 26, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 23: Something I Miss

So I have family in town for the holidays…seeing as I don't want to spend a lot of time on the computer, I will be making these next few posts short and to the point.

Something I miss, hmmm….

I miss teleporting.  You know when you're a kid and you fall asleep somewhere and wake up in bed.  I totally miss that.

I miss not having so many responsibilities & having less stress.  Ignorance truly is bliss.

I miss cheap gas prices.

I miss living across the street from my best friend.

I *sometimes* miss the days before cell phones.  No one really talks to anyone anymore.  Everyone has their heads down nowadays and avoids face-to-face conversations too much.

I could probably rattle off a few more if I sit here long enough, but I think I've done this post justice.  I'm going to go spend time with family and I really hope all of you out there had a fantastic Christmas & I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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