Monday, December 9, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 7: Five Pet Peeves

1.     Lying
       I already kind of covered my distain for liars in my Day 1 blog post.

2.     Habitual lateness

      Dude…just show up on time.  Being late is incredibly disrespectful, inconsiderate, and just plain rude.  Shit happens but when you are perpetually late, you need to seriously work on your time management skills because you have bad manners and are an asshole.

3.     People who stand ridiculously close to you in any type of line.

      Do you not know that the speed at which the line moves is not directly related to your proximity to me?!  Back.the fuck.up.

4.     Stop abbreviating your text message for the love of God!

      We aren’t using Nokias any more.  With auto-complete, entire texts can be practically composed after entering a couple of letters.

5.     Hipsters.

     Just no.  Just stop.

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