Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 2: Something I Feel Strongly About

Wow…this was a tough one.  This challenge is hard.

I mean, there are so many topics out there that I definitely have an opinion on or feel passionate about:

Foreign policies, Obama, religion in our schools, gay rights are all worthy of a discussion but those are boring.  Important…but boring.

Spring 2014 fashion trends, the Super bowl outcome, Kindle vs. Nook….dull.

Hollywood perverting books to cash-in at the box office…eh?  Maybe some other time.

I guess what I’m going to lament about today is the need to never stop learning, to never lose our inherent curiosity.  I feel strongly about this because ignorance infuriates me.  People choose to be ignorant, plain and simple.  Apathy is a paralytic and a horrible waste of your mind.  I know people learn differently.  I know that some people have legitimate learning difficulties.  However, we all are capable of varying greatness…even if you have a personal ceiling on your intellectual level, why would you not strive to reach it or maybe even try to surpass it?

I love learning and can be quite voracious at times if I find something that piques my curiosity.  I have encouraged this with my daughter, always.  Even after the 4,862nd question of the day, I don’t sigh and tell her “I don’t know” just to shut her up.  I answer as best I can because she is a willing participant in bettering her mind.  She initiates information gathering and that fills me with a sense of pride.  She is constantly curious, plays with puzzles & memory games daily, as well as possesses an ardent love of reading.  I feel I have laid a solid foundation for her to build on by constantly encouraging her to question the world around her.  I received the same when I was a child and I believe that is why I love acquiring knowledge so much.  I might not have a framed BA or PHD hanging on my wall, but I can honestly say I am not an idiot.  I went to college, a couple of times actually, but never finished.  But, college is not the only way to better oneself.  With the Internet & YouTube & those buildings that contain shelves of books that you probably haven’t stepped foot in since school, remaining ignorant is just plain ridiculous.

I think some people enjoy being stupid though.  They couldn’t care less that they are walking oxygen thieves and, they have no plans to change.  That makes me sad.  Then it makes me angry.  Because the ones usually spouting vitriol the loudest are the most undereducated.  Great!  I’m so glad you have an un-researched, biased opinion…that is the American way after all.  Oh?  You’re going to use FaceBook to enumerate the reasons why we should impeach Obama?  That should really make shit happen…  I just wish people would channel their energy into becoming a force of change instead of bashing what they hate on social media websites.  That is ignorance; that is people discontinuing education and becoming stagnated, who's cumulative effect is crippling our society.  I mean, more people lost their minds and rioted when Twinkies were being discontinued then when military funding for D.O.D. schools was cut so severely that many schools could only be open 4 days a week or had to shut down completely.  AND, all those teachers are now out of work…and they weren’t really banking to begin with, cable installers make more than teachers these days.  What the fuck America?  What.the.fuck?!?  I genuinely fear for our country when the extinction of cream-filled sponge cake treats garner more outrage then children losing education opportunities and countless teachers are being forced into unemployment...which is already retardedly high.

*I just read back over what I had written so far and died laughing, and I'm so not changing a bit of it.  I started off about how we must never stop learning and ended with a rant about FaceBook & fucking Twinkies & how much I hate a large percentage of the American population.  This is an excellent example of how my mind works and what my thought process is on a daily basis.*

So in conclusion, I say put down your snack cakes and pick up a book.  Turn off Keeping up with the Kardashians and visit a museum.  Stop Googleing funny cat pictures and Google images sent back from the Hubble Telescope.  Your brain and the rest of society will thank you for it.

Sorry for the disjointed blog post so here's a picture of those delicious bastards

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