Sunday, December 22, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 20: My Fears

My biggest fear is jellyfish…
Fuck those fuckers and their fucking Satan tentacles of Doom.

Why hello there, I'm Mr. Jellyfish.  I'm beautiful & also a huge asshole.

This image will haunt me forever

Mother of God...

I'm pretty sure this post is supposed to be about existential fears, not irrational ones…

Well I'm a parent so this is kind of a no-brainer.  I am always full of fear for my daughter.  I fear that she will be hurt or killed.  I fear that she will be emotionally stunted or damaged   I fear that she will suffer mental turmoil.  I fear that I won't adequately prepare her for life.  I fear that she will not be happy.  I fear that she will not prosper.  I fear that she will become a terrible person because I didn't do enough.  I fear that she will never know the extent of my love for her.  I fear the day that she must bury me & I will not be there to console her.  I could go on & on but my biggest fear is that I will fail her.

Some of those are kind of illogical, but I fear them no less.

I fear never finding true love.  I just want to pour my soul out on someone and not have to worry about the mess it makes.

I fear that I will live a life I am not proud of.  We fight & strive everyday, but we are but human.  We are all fallible.

I fear that I will never know career contentment.

I fear that I my own fear will keep me from facilitating many of my dreams into fruition.

Our whole lives we hear others or tell ourselves "don't be afraid," and it is only now that I'm realizing how stupid that is.  Don't be afraid?!  Really?!  That's like saying "don't move out of the way of that bullet/speeding car" or "don't withdraw from the heat of a flame" or "don't take a breath."  Don't be human.  I'm afraid & you're afraid & we're always going to possess fear because it's inherent.  What we should be telling ourselves and others is "be afraid, but do it anyway." Embrace those fears instead of allowing them to cripple us…have a healthy respect for those fears, but live anyway.

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