Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 3: A Book I Love

"I was raised among books, making invisible friends in pages that seem cast from dust and whose smell I carry on my hands to this day."

I have referenced my love of reading in a couple of my posts, so if you have been following this blog, this is not a surprise.  I love reading so, so much.  I wish someone would pay me an obscene amount of money to just sit around and read.  What am I talking about…I would do it for free.  I am involved in a couple of book groups that facilitate Read2Review programs that I take full advantage of when I am able.  I love books, but free books?!  There isn't anything better.

Trying to pick out one book that I love for this post was really difficult.  A title would pop up in my head & then another & then another…even now, while I'm typing, a couple have come to mind.  So instead of focusing on one particular book, I thought why not go back to the beginning?  Lets make this post not "A Book I Love" post, but "The Book That Started My Literary Love Affair" post.

Kickin' ass since 1950

I have vivid memories of sitting in my room reading this series.  I truly believe if I hadn't read these books as a child, particularly this one, my passion for reading would not be what it is today.  I am not going to wax poetically about how well fleshed out the characters are or how developed the prose is or how the story arc seamlessly flows.  No, if you want a review of this book, go somewhere else.  I love this book, even being a high fantasy-which is not a genre I usually gravitate toward, because it really stimulates my imagination…after a few sentences, the world dissolves and a movie starts playing in my mind.  People occasionally ask me why I choose so much fantasy, whether it be high or urban, or so much sci-fi titles.  I really never have a good answer.  Maybe its because this series was one of the first non-picture books I read, or maybe its because I like the idea of the fantastical being a part of everyday life.  Who knows really.  All I do know is that I love fairy tales and fantasy not because these stories teach us that dragons exist but because they teach us that dragons can be beaten.

My Mantra

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